Civil & Site Engineering
A key service provided by SITEC Environmental is the design and engineering of sites for the development of residential and commercial subdivisions, shopping centers and office and industrial buildings. Our senior site & civil design engineers have successfully designed and permitted hundreds of site development projects. Plans are all printed out electronically, in house. Because of SITEC’s complete electronic plan production capability, plan revision costs are minimized. This is especially important for larger and more complex site development projects where permit-granting boards, commissions and agencies require multiple plan revisions.
Environmental Services
SITEC has successfully designed and permitted numerous commercial marinas, residential docks, inland and coastal residential subdivisions and waterfront restaurants, hotels and recreational facilities. Inland and coastal waterfront properties also often include or abut some of the most environmentally significant and therefore most regulated natural resources. We are uniquely qualified to move waterfront development projects through the wetlands and waterways inland and coastal permitting process – a process that is particularly complex, multi-leveled and fraught with value judgments and uncertainty. The SITEC group includes former community and state wetlands and waterways regulators as well as wetlands field scientists certified by the American Society of Wetlands Scientists.

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